Insights Leadership


Employees love to learn and grow and organizing these experiences is key to and individuals and organizations development. You can’t have one without the other. Without an engaged individual you don’t have an engaged organization. It is well recognized that nearly 70% of an individual’s development comes from on the job work experiences or Workplace Learning. Another 20% comes from Feedback, Networking, Mentoring and Coaching – Social Learning. The final 10% comes from formal learning and training – Structured Learning. All are important to an individual’s and organization’s learning and development. You can’t have one without the other. Some organizations place employees into new roles and rely on the “sink or swim” method of development. That works only to a point. Learning support of the individual and the organization is key. Insights Leadership specializes in the 20% and the 10% helping you and your organization strategize, develop and deliver your leadership and functional development.

    • ·This means your organization and individuals will have the awareness, knowledge and the skills to move your
        company forward.

    • ·Working with you to Discover and implement the strategy and positioning of learning and development within your

  • ·Review your Corporate, Global and Local learning strategies and provide insights and advise on updates and
      changes to improve company performance.

Full Review and Design of Learning Curriculum
In your current curriculum you may have a redundancies of topics (3 different presentations skills programs or 5 different interviewing skills programs) in various departments or countries or divisions which leads to inconsistencies in your company skills and messages which will lead to cost overruns. We can lead you through the rationalization of strategy of an updated curriculum and rationalize this content and come up with the best solution for your company that is productive, efficient and relevant.

Development – Leadership and Functional
Coaching and Mentoring plans – We believe that mentoring is a key part of an executive's development. Unfortunately the culture of mentoring has disappeared in most corporations. We can help you rebuild this culture.

Experiential Learning
Learning that is experiential is one of the most impactful ways for an individual and an organization to develop. When the learning is experiential the individual learner or organization can apply the learning to both current and future situations. It's not academic or theoretical.